Web Development
Unparalleled drive to craft modern digital experiences with the latest cutting edge frameworks. Developed this particular portfolio with typescript , fresh and threejs technologies. Constantly engaging with the latest trends and advancements in web development. Financial contributor to various open source projects in the deno ecosystem.
View my OpenCollectiveSVG Path Commands
For a deeper understanding of how commands are used to create shapes, I recommend using the svg-path-visualizer tool, as well as becoming familiar with svg-paths and how they are rendered.
View my PathGistUsing Regular Expressions
Below is an example of a simple regular expression to retrieve the characters per minute from a string. A great resource to use when developing regular expressions is regex101 (and make sure to select ECMAScript as the language).
View my RegexGistLLM Engineering
Enthusiastic about advancements being made with large language models and the evolving environment of tech. Experience integrating web applications with openai , xai , anthropic , gemini , and cohere models. Currently engaged in exciting projects focused on neural networks — have a digital twin available via the message icon above. Enjoying LLM Engineer's Handbook by Paul Iusztin & Maxime Labonne.
View my StoryGraphArbitrary Variants In TailwindCSS
Unlike with bootstrap it is possible to use arbitrary variants in tailwind-css styling. Arbitrary variants are similar to arbitrary values, and are used in lue of standard values like those associated with sm, md, lg, etc. They are useful for applying various styles across multiple elements like when handling child elements in a container, as shown below, and are useful if you wish to take advantage of tree shaking.
View my TailwindGistFresh Project Tabler Icons
Use the following tabler-icons resource to locate the icons you need. After you have imported the icon, you can use it in your components following the pattern below.
View my TablerGistUI/UX Design
Focused on crafting modern and intuitive web experiences with seamless and functional interfaces. Passionate about exploring cutting-edge prototyping techniques with figma and adobe-xd utilities. Experienced practitioner of adobe-photoshop and adobe-illustrator with meticulous attention to detail. Recently finished A Guide to UX Design and Development by Tom Green & Joseph Labrecque. Starting to read Learning Bulma by Aravind Shenoy.
View my StoryGraphFresh Project Iconify Components
Below is an example of how to import iconify web components in a fresh project. To search for your desired icon, visit the iconify-sets resource. If using a script in the head of the project, use the ts-ignore comment to hide the linting error.
View my IconifyGistImporting JSR Packages
Below is an example of how to import jsr packages, specifically the std-text package, which may be used to convert strings to kebab case.
View my RegistryGistEducation
Successfully completed a comprehensive Full Stack Web Development certificate program that emphasized the nodejs and react frameworks. Now midway through a Creative Technology graduate degree program, where I am exploring a range of cutting-edge digital technologies. My primary areas of focus include solidity and web3 with a secondary focus on design and the emerging future of the internet.
View my GitHub